Why you should register with Pi
Pi is a trending digital money. Currently, pi is in the mining state - a state in which the company tries t ok measure the commitment of its visitors - where a user is expected to visit the app or site and click on the mining botton each day (once in 24 hours). Alot of people are using Pi Network now. Since there are people with thousands of pi in their account some even much more. Referral is what give a user more benefit in the system, by referring a new user to the network, you earn 1pi and also the new user gets 1pi also. The higher the number of referral contributes to the number of pi per hour - For example a person with 1 referral can earn 0.12pi/hr if the person he/she refer is active while a person with 11 active users from his/her referral can earn 0.74pi/hr, and so on. So each active user contributes to your earning. Pi as a currency is expected to be launched on December, 2021. By this time, alot have been prepared by the developers together with help of the users to help e...