Units of Masurements.
When ever we made some measurements in our daily lives, we need to specify the difference between one and other measurements. This measurements can be a count(for money) or measurements for length, width(breadth), height, weight, mass, time, temperature(hotness or coldness of a body), speed(of a moving object), e.t.c. After all these measurements we get back a number(s)(which can be either whole, fraction or decimal) which when these numbers are presented without any indication (of which one measure either mass, temperature, time, e.t.c) one can never distinguish. Thanks to the units of measurements that give us the freedom to write our measurements attached with some unit or its symbol to indicate whether the measured value is for either length, mass or time. Before we dip in to units of measurements, we have to know that these units we wanted to know are for measured quantities. As we mentioned above, length, mass, time, temperature are quantities and are all called fundamental ...